Written By Daniel Robles (i3 2016)
The iSchool Inclusion Institute (i3) has moved online! While nothing can compare to our i3 Family reuniting in-person every summer, we have opted to move online amidst the global pandemic. While we are not welcoming a new cohort this year, we are welcoming back the 2019 Cohort for their Concluding Institute (Summer 2 out of the 20 month program).

This cohort began their i3 journey in June 2019 at the University of Pittsburgh. At the end of their Introductory Institute, students self-selected into six research teams and returned to their home institutions to work on their yearlong projects. Working in their distributed teams, this group of scholars has accomplished a great deal over the year. Each team had their preliminary research accepted to the 2020 iConference, which they presented virtually at the conference this past March. Now, we virtually welcome back this cohort to piece together all of their hard work over the last year and present their final projects.
Since our decision to postpone this year’s Introductory Institute, the i3 Leadership Team has been working on launching and implementing the first ever virtual Concluding Institute for our returning 2019 Cohort. Each day for the next two weeks, i3 Scholars will join a standing Zoom room, which remains open for the entire day. Here, they will attend interactive research and professional development sessions as a cohort and then break into Zoom breakout rooms with their teams. i3 Leadership will rotate between the rooms to support teams as they work through their papers, presentations, posters, and video abstracts. At the end of the day, students and leadership will regroup for social activities, ranging from game nights to virtual escape rooms to movie marathons.
On July 19th, we held our first virtual orientation, which was a great success! We even had surprise appearances from several research advisors and alumni who tuned in to support our 2019 scholars. Our virtual Concluding Institute will continue over the next two weeks (July 20th – 31st) and we are excited to share this virtual journey with you!
To be continued…